Recycling Solar Panels with EcoActiv

Solar panels that are almost complete with their lifespan may not require recycling urgently but this does not mean that we ignore this issue for a later date. Solar energy has the potential to grow exponentially and provide clean, and renewable energy at the same time. However, this is not the case with existing solar panel technologies as they wear out with time, and become difficult to recycle without a proper method. 

Why solar panels expire?

Like every other electronic tool, the solar panel has the lifespan of limited hours that will eventually run out. Although there are no moving materials in solar panel, the chemicals within can be dangerous once they break with its expiry. Due to warm temperatures, solar panels may get short lifespan as the cells become less efficient with warm temperature. Every year, solar panels lose a good amount of their efficiency which is why they are limited on their age for about a period of 20-30 years. However, Recycling Solar Panels upon the end of their lifespan becomes necessary to avoid any concerns regarding health and the environment. 

What can we gain through Solar Panel Recycling?

About 95% of the combined monocrystalline and polycrystalline PV panels can be recycled. The crystalline PV panel includes about 75% glass, 10% polymer, 8% aluminum, 5% silicon and copper, while other metals contribute to about 1%. All of these materials can be recycled in order to create fresh raw materials and dispatch in markets for creating new products and materials to be used again with a new purpose.           

Recycling Solar Panels with EcoActiv

Being a homeowner, you might think where will your damaged solar panels go? With very few dedicated facilities to dispose of solar panels, many find their way in illegal landfills. EcoActiv collects all Solar Panel Recycling Brisbane, Sydney Australia, Melbourne from the customer locations and separates the solar panels that can be recycled as per their type. Dividing into two categories, we get silicon-based and thin film panel recycling methods.

Silicon solar panel recycling process

  • We separate aluminum, glass, and other materials from your unwanted silicon panels. It is then separated into metal parts that can be recycled for creating new products.
  • All of the remaining parts are thrown at 500°C for thermal process unit, evaporating the plastic and leaving silicon cells for use.
  • Silicon cells are then processed again until they are ready to be reused with a new purpose.  

Thin film solar panel recycling process

  • For Solar Panel Disposal of thin-film based panel, it is processed through the shredder. It gives both solid and liquid material that has to be separated.
  • A rotating screw is used for separating the liquids within the container.
  • The remaining solid substances are separated completely from semiconductor materials, and on average, about 95% of the semiconductor material is reusable.
  • The material is then taken to the rinsing process for the removal of any contamination. It leaves a pure glass behind which is perfectly capable of manufacturing again.

Published by EcoActiv | Recycling Solution

Ecoactiv provides households and organisations with a convenient way to dispose of unwanted and end-of-life goods. Our solutions and digital platform underpin the Circular Economy and Closed-Loop Practices, meaning items are repurposed, recycled, recovered and regenerated at the end of each service live.

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